Andrew’s lower fee structure is usually what gets attention, and the service his clients receive is what gets him so many referrals. Andrew charges $1% to 1.5% of the purchase price for a full service listing.
Andrew’s listing commission Sales price of home
1.5% ————————————–$5,000,000 or more
1.75% —————————————$3,000,000 to $4,999,999.99
2% —————————————–$3,000,000 or less
On top of this, you will generally want to offer the buyer’s agent 2.5% commission, as this is now the industry standard (except on very inexpensive homes). This adds up to a total of 4% to 4.5% commission that you will pay out if you use Andrew to sell your home. This is 1.5%-2% lower than your traditional realtor would charge you. This can save you many tens of thousands of dollars on a high end home.
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